


Noen ganger, mens jeg sitter på t-banen, slutter jeg å tenke på folkene rundt meg som ekte mennesker.

Det føles litt som å se en actionfilm,  der man blindt aksepterer at bipersoners liv er underordnet og mindre viktige enn protagonistens. De sitter bare der uten navn og uten å åpne munnen. Statister til virkeligheten som utspiller seg på innsiden av ens eget hode.

Ved å lage denne dokuserien ville jeg krympe avstanden som kan oppstå mellom mennesker i tettpakkede forsamlinger. 

Jeg ville vise at en t-banevogn i realiteten er en magisk boks fylt med drømmer og historier. 

Metro monologues is a docuseries in five parts about the jungle of thoughts that exist inside a metro car. For months I took the metro around in Oslo, asking random people, flat out, what they were thinking about. This is what they told me.

Metro monologues is a docuseries in five parts about the jungle of thoughts that exist inside a metro car. For months I took the metro around in Oslo, asking random people, flat out, what they were thinking about. This is what they told me.

Metro monologues is a docuseries in five parts about the jungle of thoughts that exist inside a metro car. For months I took the metro around in Oslo, asking random people, flat out, what they were thinking about. This is what they told me.

Metro monologues is a docuseries in five parts about the jungle of thoughts that exist inside a metro car. For months I took the metro around in Oslo, asking random people, flat out, what they were thinking about. This is what they told me.

Metro monologues is a docuseries in five parts about the jungle of thoughts that exist inside a metro car. For months I took the metro around in Oslo, asking random people, flat out, what they were thinking about. This is what they told me.

(Disse videoene ble publisert på Aftenposten i mars 2017.)